
Conversion optimization strategies for your e-commerce

The average conversion rate in the second half of 2020 was 2.17%. This means that only that percentage of visits to the world’s online stores were converted into sales, according to data presented by Statista. Today we present you some conversion optimization strategies that will help you do just that: achieve more sales on digital channels.

Conversion rate vs traffic

According to the above, 97.83% of e-commerce visits are not converted into purchases. This is why it’s so important to chart a strategic path to improve these indicators.

In that sense, having a lot of traffic on your website does not mean that the conversion rate will increase. For that to happen, you need to focus on getting quality traffic to your store, according to the experts at Aberdeen.

When you start to improve the metrics and achieve conversion rate optimization, you should start analyzing the data to get an accurate reading of the conversion rate.

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How does conversion affect my business?

The first thing we recommend is to evaluate the context of your industry to set your own goals. Keep in mind these categories that make it easier to increase conversion rates on your website:

  • User experience: improving navigability and simplifying the steps in your e-commerce site can help your users get to the point where they decide whether to buy or not.

Once they get there, it’s crucial that you have a clear payment process that helps to improve the conversion rate. PayRetailers’ payment gateway can help you.

Even the website VWO calls the marriage of user experience and conversion rate optimization a match made in heaven.

  • The customer always comes first: the more choices customers have, the better your chances of achieving conversion. That’s why the decisions you make in your platform always have to be oriented to the customer’s needs. Put yourself in their shoes and make sure that what you have in your e-commerce site does respond to what your users are looking for.

The important thing is that you study your users’ preferences, identify their needs, their personality, their tastes, etc., and establish strategies for your e-commerce site that fit those characteristics. This is one of the conversion optimization strategies focused on users.

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Optimizing conversion or optimizing the website?

One depends on the other. It’s as simple as that. Optimizing the website, making it easier to skim and more navigable, will result in a higher conversion rate. However, optimizing conversion is also important, beyond improving the user experience.

What are the conversion optimization steps?

  • Metrics: study users’ behavior.
  • Reports: based on the user study, draw up statistics and tables for later analysis.
  • Analysis: after studying the behavior of users or customers, make observations on the findings and execute a path with recommendations to follow.
  • Strategy: the path you should follow is to propose a strategy that improves the errors and segments the users’ needs increasingly better.
  • Design: execute that strategy in a prototype, test it with future users.
  • Implementation: implement the strategy you designed, correct errors in the prototypes and apply the results of the analysis of the metrics.

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Conversion strategies for e-commerce

If getting potential customers to visit your website is a challenge, getting them to buy is an even bigger one. The usability of your e-commerce site determines, most of the time, if a customer buys or not. And if it’s available on mobile phones, so much the better.

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How to create a new strategy

To improve your metrics, apply one of the four most popular conversion methods in digital marketing.

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What are the four conversion methods?

  1. The Trinity method: it has to do with the analysis of the variables relevance, value and call to action.
  • Relevance, because your business has to respond to users’ needs.
  • Value, because you have to offer better content than what your competition offers.
  • Call to action, because you have to suggest to the customer clear actions within the e-commerce site so that their navigation ends in conversions.
  1. The user research method: it has to do with analyzing the analytics offered by Google or social networks to determine users’ needs.

You can also use surveys, interviews and even live tests in which users browse prototypes of your e-commerce and let you see possible flaws in the user experience.

  1. The A/B or multivariate testing method: these are used to test within your site. A/B testing consists of testing two different designs of the same page to see which one is more understandable and, based on that, make decisions.

The multivariate shows two versions of the same page competing to test different combinations and prove which one works better.

  1. The personalization method: this method aims to personalize your website’s content based on incoming and outgoing traffic. The goal is to create audiences, know them well and based on those results create personalized content for them.

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What is an example of a conversion strategy?

Set up an exercise with these three phases: discovery, consideration and decision.

To make them discover your brand you can run campaigns on social media and videos, among others.

Then, the idea is that you present your services and make future customers consider buying them; the last step is conversion. That’s when all of the above starts making sense. This way you will achieve conversion rate optimization.

conversion optimization strategy

As you can see, there are many conversion optimization strategies that help you improve your metrics. Many take into account users’ needs to determine what you are going to offer them.

Give your customers secure transactions with PayRetailers, the payment platform that will help you get your conversion rate above that worrisome average of 2.17%.

conversion rate optimisation